The Coolest Remote Control Ever {Logitech Harmony Remote}

Last night I was going to skip writing today's post.  And then I called my mom on my way home from work and she said that I was slacking on the blog.  This was after she told me that she wanted a can opener and $3 slippers for Christmas this year.  Bless her heart.

The thing is that I have discovered Gilmore Girls on Netflix and I'm 145 episodes away from any kind of productivity.  I have a million posts ideas.  Just limited time.

The blog is trumping Lorelia for a few minutes. Today we must talk about the Logitech Harmony Smart Control (Not sponsored. Just awesome).

 I briefly mentioned it about a year ago.  At that time I was mainly loving the smart phone app.  (Read my first love story here!) Today I'm loving that it allows us to hide all of our electronics behind our cabinet doors.  (Tutorial coming soon!)

Logitech Harmony Remote System.  Hide those cords!

Check that out!  Super cute dog.  No visible electronic devices.  Only books and pretty things.  Magic, right?

Well, there is one little guy hanging out on the mantel.

He's pretty tiny.  We might notch him out a hole if he bothers us too much.  We can't bring ourselves to do anything to the mantel just yet.  And really, it's a tiny compromise to hide all of our electronics.

That little guy is a transmitter. There is a hub that lets you control a bunch of electronics. Our one remote/hub controls our cable box, DVD player and Roku box. The remote is very user friendly. Even I can use it without getting angry. (I'm like an 87 year old woman that doesn't get electronics. Wait. That was rude to 87 year old women. I just get all angry when I have to push a million buttons to watch the Gilmore Girls.) The hub lives inside our cabinet door. (It has to be placed in front of the objects it is controlling.)
Logitech Harmony Remote. Hide all of those electronics!

If only it controlled the rain gauge and thermometer Nate insists live in the living room.  I hid them on the very right side of the cabinet.  Pick your battles right?

Nate had some concerns about the electronics getting too warm in the cabinet.  He monitored the temperature for a few weeks.  We've had no issues.  Probably because our cabinets are pretty large.  He was going to drill a small hole in the top of the base cabinet if it was an issue.

In other living room news, I did hit up the library book sale a couple of weeks ago.  The shelves are starting to fill in nicely.  And look how dark our floors are getting.  We still have a ways to go before we can put the rug down but we're happy with the progress!

Logitech Harmony Remote. Hide all of those electronics!
How to hide your electronics and control with 1 remote! Learn how!

There you go, Mom.  A blog post.  I'll work on the can opener.

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