Vintage Clothespin Mirror {DIY Tutorial}
/So, the other night I get home from craft night. I go upstairs to change into my pajamas. As I walk by the laundry room, I heard a noise. I started to panic. Something was wrong. I opened the door to find the washer and the dryer running.
My first thought was that Ike learned how to use the washing machine. He's such a smart dog. I soon realized that he prefers clothes to be dirty. Dirty laundry is better for rolling in.
Next thought? Ghosts from previous owners. Wait. We built the house. Nevermind.
Next thought? I'm dying. There is no other logical reason that Nate would venture into the laundry room to turn on both machines and wash both of our clothing. I run to take my temperature. What is going on?
Where is this story heading other than I'm a jerk when my husband does something nice?
I made a mirror out of vintage clothespin for our laundry room! Bet you saw that one coming?! (Just to be clear. His intention wasn't "nice". He was heading out of town for the weekend, needed clean clothes and I wasn't home. Me making fun of him is clearly justified. And honestly, I don't mind washing/drying laundry. Putting it away on the other hand.)
The Fall In Love Room makeover deadline is quickly approaching so I decided I should start tackling a few projects on my list!
Do you know how hard it is to photograph a mirror? Especially when you get distracted when you realize that you look like a bear when the camera is held just right in front of your face.
The mirror took me about 20 minutes to make. Mainly because I was doing 1700 things at once and did a poor job of making sure things were even. Eh, still turned out good enough for a laundry room that mainly only I see. And all of you people on the interwebs. Eh.
I gathered my supplies:
-vintage clothespins (purchased at a flea market. my OCD self struggles that they aren't uniform but i'm dealing.)
-embroidery hoop (purchased at a thrift store but any craft store carries them)
-Loctite Power Grab Clear All Purpose Construction Adhesive
-Command Picture-Hanging Strips
Apply Power Grab (Or you could probably use hot glue. I wanted to make sure it stayed together.) to the back of one ring of the embroidery hoop. Apply hoop to mirror. (You should probably apply it in the center. I don't see straight so this wasn't an option for me. Minor detail.) Press firmly. Place a book on top and wait until dry (about 10 minutes). When hoop is firmly attached to mirror, apply a small amount of Power Grab to the end of each vintage clothespin and attach to hoop. Continue until mirror is complete.
When clothespins are completely dry, hang mirror on the wall. I used these Command picture hanging strips.
I told you that was easy.
I really like how it looks next to my vintage washboards.
I still have quite a bit of work left to do in here. The mirror was clearly the most important first step.
Here's a peek at my new rug which will keep my feet from freezing off this winter. $10 at a garage sale.
Check out #fallinloveroom for updates from my buddies participating in the room makeover challenge!
Who's responsible for laundry at your house? Who thinks I can actually pull off this makeover by November 6th? Yeah, me neither.