November Meal Plan
/November contains a lot of meals that freeze well because I don’t want to cook during the month of December. I’ve done this the past two years and it’s been amazing. I might throw something in the Crockpot/Instant Pot in December but there will be very little hands on cooking. This allows me time to decorate, wrap presents, bake cookies and watch cheesy Christmas movies all while keeping the family fed.
Because it’s 2019, I feel that I need to add some disclaimers. We don’t follow any specific diet. These recipes all contain some poison like gluten, dairy, sugar, carbs, meat, etc, etc. Yes, we could eat healthier. We could also eat worse. We do, however, eat in moderation. If the below recipes don’t contain vegetables, we have a vegetable as a side. Our kids eat what we eat. We don’t make separate meals. Phew! Let’s meal plan!
Week 1
Veggie Stew* + cornbread (from the Magnolia Cookbook. Highly recommend!)
Tortellini Soup (this would probably freeze well but I personally haven’t tried yet)
Week 2
Week 3
Baked Apple Pork Chops + Green Beans
Week 4