Pink Bathroom Makeover
/Brother: “Why are you cleaning my bathroom?”
Me: “Because I’m going to snap photos for the blog. Hope that’s okay.”
Brother: “Want to photograph my upstairs bath then too? How about my kitchen? The dining room?”
Good try, little brother. Good try.
This is what the bathroom looked like when little brother bought his house.

I don’t know about you but I was totally digging that stencil. That dirty pink tile was to die for. The oversized vanity and shelving unit where pretty stellar too.
But for some reason, little brother hated it. I just don’t get it. He was afraid of the cost to fix it. Luckily his sister is an important DIY/home decor blogger. (I kill me.) Or he’s lucky he has a brother-in-law that is handy. And a dad that likes to destroy things.
Some sweat, family bonding and around $350.00 left his bathroom looking like this.

One thing that has surprised me about my brother during this whole house renovation process is that he actually has really good taste. (Well, minus the deer heads in the living room.) But overall, his selections have impressed me. He usually asks if what he likes is okay but I rarely have to tell him it’s not (minus the deer heads).
The makeover started by gutting the bathroom. (We make our father proud.)

Moving the plumbing and adding a new outlet revealed a giant mass of razors. About a week later we watched a home improvement show that had the same issue. I guess it was common to just drop razors in a slot in the medicine cabinet and let them fill up a space in the wall. Guess those dudes weren’t thinking about the poor people in 2013 that would have to clean that mess up. (Soccer sandals and socks are a favorite trend in Iowa.)

After cleaning up the hot razor mess, it was time to prime and paint. I did feel slightly bad covering up someone’s time consuming stenciling. But only slightly. Brother could have cared less. He chose Dutch Boy’s Peppercorn for the wall color.

It was then time to lay the tile. The tile was purchased at Menard’s.

My dad and brother then installed bead board and molding to cover up the tile grossness.

They then replaced the toilet. He also added a new sink, light and medicine cabinet. It’s hard to believe it’s the same room.

Pretty impressive finishes for a bachelor. (I’m still looking for a sister-in-law. Contact me if interested. I mean, you get a cute house out of the deal. I’m sure the deer heads are negotiable if you’re not his sister. Man, I’m going to get sucker punched for this one. Let’s look at more pretty after photos.)

Who thinks the pink tile was pretty rocking? Any takers on that whole future sister-in-law thing?