Curb Appeal at Little Brother’s House
/How was your weekend? Ours was good. If waking up sore on Monday is good. I’m not sure if I’m more sore from physical labor or sleeping with a bed hogging dog. Something about dogs don’t sleep at the end of the bed. That’s for animals.
We headed North to help my little brother do some work on his house. (We had previously helped him here and here.)

Baby brother wanted some help with the exterior of his house. Something about dudes don’t like purple houses. Or flood lights as exterior lights. Or decks that look sad. Or houses that lack landscaping. Please note Ike in the window above. He quite enjoyed his time at his uncle’s house. How could he not? Uncle bought him a new toy and bandana. Spoiled much?

Brother had previously put down some black mulch and installed black shutters. Otherwise the exterior of the house hadn’t been touched in a long while.

Brother cleaned the front deck. My mom, brother and I scraped and painted the purple trim. I’m pretty sure the previous owner used interior paint. Awesome. Tasks to add to my “I hate this” list: scraping paint and painting decks.

Nate installed landscape edging. It also decided to actually be Summer in Iowa this weekend as well. We missed the 90+ degrees with 7000% humidity. That’s not a typo. That’s how humid it gets in Iowa in Summer. You think I’m joking.

Brother bought some bushes and more mulch. Magically the house looked like a grown-up lived there.

I told him that I bet the neighbors thought someone new bought the house. And then he sucker punched me. I threatened to never come back. And then he bought me Perkins. My work here is done.
How was your weekend? Any curb appeal projects? Who thinks my brother has the best sister and brother-in-law ever? Don’t worry. We remind him often.