Blog Questions Answered + Link Party
About Nate’s wardrobe. Wait. Let’s not. Okay, let’s talk about my lack of motivation to do anything other than sleep, work out and shop for summer clothes. Wait. Let’s not talk about that stuff either.
Let’s talk about blogging. Back when I discussed hanging with my BFFs, there were some questions asked. I promised to answer. Here it goes. I’ve also decided to host a party today. I’m spontaneous like that. (Anyone that knows me in real life is dying of laughter.)
First the questions.
How do you get invited to do a guest post/invite others to guest post?
I haven’t written a guest post for awhile but the ones I have done in the past were for people that I had established blog relationships with. Most of my guest posts were for other bloggers needing to take a break/vacation. It’s a great opportunity to reach another blog audience. I’ve invited guest bloggers before when I have been on vacation. It’s as simple as sending out an e-mail with the topic you’d like to have covered with specific deadlines, etc.
How do you connect with sponsors (like the Home Depot)?
I don’t actively seek sponsors. I’m lazy. I have a real job. Seeking sponsors seems like work to me and I try to keep the blog as a hobby. So how do I have sponsors/work with companies? I use BlogHer as an ad agency. They pay me to run ads on my blog. They also market my blog to companies for other sponsored opportunities. I’ve recently started using SocialSpark also. The rest/majority is dumb luck (okay, probably my content). The companies contact me and I agree if I feel like it’s a good fit for our house/blog.
How long did it take for you to garner the following you have now?
I’ve been blogging for a little over 2 years. It takes time. Check out my early posts. Crickets, my mom and Mindy. Blog “following” is interesting too. It’s really hard to tell how many people actually read your blog. You can also look at page views versus comments. My page views aren’t extremely high (in comparison to larger blogs) but I feel like I have very engaged blog readers. You all comment, question, e-mail, etc. We interact. It’s something that I would like to do more of. When I learn to manage my time better. Or sleep less. Or invent a time machine.
What would you recommend to others to get followers to their blog?
Be social. I’m not a super social person in real life but I totally get around in blogland. (Quote me on that.) Comment on other blogs. Get on social media. I’m on the twitter, facebook, Google+, Pinterest and Instagram. I’m most active on Instagram and twitter. I’m working on the others. Make friends. Put yourself out there. It’s a scary thing to do. The nice thing about bloggers is that most of us are friendly. I generally am. Except when I’m hungry or tired. But seriously. Throw yourself out there!
I also find it helpful to have a close group of blog buddies (similar blog focus and blog size) that you work with. Use this group to promote each others work. Encourage. Support. Bounce ideas off one another.
There’s also the whole schpeel that you have probably heard before but it’s a schpeel for a reason. Quality content, post regularly, have pretty photos, be yourself, yadda, yadda.
How does one get featured on a big blog?
Quality content is probably one of the easiest ways to get featured. Write a post about an awesome project and spread the word about it to the best of your ability! If it’s awesome, it’ll get noticed. Big bloggers often ask for your projects. Submit them. I’ve been turned down probably as many times as I’ve successfully been featured on bigger sites. Young House Love asks for before and afters. Brooklyn Limestone often asks for certain projects. Don’t fear rejection. Just do it, man.
How does one host a Pinterest linky party with major bloggers?
Complete and total dumb luck. I’m still trying to figure that one out myself.
Any other questions? I’ll answer them in either the comments or a follow-up post!
Now it’s time for a party. Hopefully it will help us all get to know each other a little better. Find some new blog buddies. Spread the love. Ain’t no party like a Decor and the Dog party because a Decor and the Dog party is mandatory (name that show). I have 2.5 simple rules to join in on this party. (Of course my party would have rules.)
1. You must blog at least once a week. I want this to be a party for active bloggers looking to expand their blog network. It’s hard to do this if you only blog once a month.
2. You must visit AND comment on the 2 blogs in front of you. (If you are the first two, visit the ones that follow you.) We’re making friends remember. This isn’t a dump your blog link and run. I will have police at this party. Don’t doubt me..and my staff.
3. When it’s asks for your name, please list your blog name AND the state you live in. (For example: Decor and the Dog/Iowa). If you aren’t comfortable listing your state, I get it. I just think it’d be nice to see where everyone is from!
Party time. Excellent.