Pass It Project Recipients

I was going to continue with Chicago today but I’m too lazy to edit photos.  All-Star blogger right here.  I actually think I need a little bit of a blog break.  I’ve felt this need in the past but I fought through it.  This time I’m going to give in.  I’ll be back on Monday with a full week of posts!  Some of which may actually be house related.  Whoa.

Last Friday I posted some information about the Pass It Along Project.  I did a little action and the two recipients of my handmade creations will be Mindy (Finding Silver Linings) and Maury (Life On Mars).  I’d better get started soon!  These two are talented ladies so the pressure is on.  I encourage the rest of you to find some blog buddies and keep the Pass It Along project rolling!

Okay, that’s it. I’m out until Monday.  If you miss me too much, I’m sure I’ll be on the Instagram (decorandthedg) or the twitter and maybe even the facebook…because I have a social media problem.


Anyone else feel the need for a blog break?  Who is going to continue on with the Pass It Along project?  Anyone else recently discover the wonders of the maxi skirt?