Pinterest Challenge- Kindle Case

It’s that time again.  Time for the Pinterest challenge. The challenge to use Pinterest as a good source of inspiration and not as an evil time suck.

(If you’re new here, we usually do more exciting projects than this.  Check out our Projects tab and House Tour tab!) 

I decided to make a case for my Kindle. What else are you going to do with swollen lymph nodes?  Might as well cut some fabric. Some lovely old lady floral fabric at that. I can’t tell you the name of it.  I’ll call it “Elderly Lady Stash From My Sewing Room.”  I think it was originally from Joann’s. 

I have a lovely green cover for my Kindle but it’s only a cover.  I want to use my Kindle more at the beach on our upcoming trip to Costa Rica.  On previous beach trips I have found that the cover traps sand.  It gets sunscreen on it while in the beach bag.  Water bottles sweat all over it.  General grossness. Hence my need for a case.

A case would involve a zipper.  Yikes! Can I actually do this? 

Oh, I did it.





I followed the directions found from this pin…


The instructions were easy to follow.  As in, I sewed a zipper (for the first time) in a bag after 8 hours of working with a viral infection.  That easy.  The only modification I made was adding the strip of fabric on the front.  Fancy pants.

It wasn’t meltdown free though. I broke my sewing machine needle.  (I’m still unsure how I managed this.)  I couldn’t get the screw loosened to replace the needle.  I called Nate bawling.  He didn’t care.  Tax season. Blah. Blah.  My sinus infection worsened.  My lymph node swelling increased.  I finally got the needle replaced.  The dog was barking his silly little head off at his archnemesis (the poodle across the street). Barking is a new thing for Ike.  I am not impressed. Sewing drama.


Even with all of that, I still completed the cover in around 1-1 1/2 hours.  I’m killing this sewing stuff lately.  I think I’ll make myself a dress. *knee slap*

Pretty old lady Kindle cover was totally worth it.


Anyone else tackling the Pinterest challenge?  Do you follow me on Pinterest?  Do I follow you? (Leave your link.)  Any good beach read recommendations for me?  Are you on Goodreads?  (Find me here!)