Chicago Recap and Upcoming Stuff

Stuff is always a good word to use in a title, right?

First, don't forget!!!!!  Dare to DIY on Monday!  It's time to Dare to Be Thankful!  Link up at Shift Ctrl Art on Monday!  Check out great ideas from the past here!  I can't wait to see what you all come up with! I have a plan but no sneak peak because I work better under pressure.  (AKA, I have not started because I'm a horrible procrastinator! So no excuses that you don't have time!) If you're a new blogger, this is a great way to meet other bloggers and grown your blog audience!  We'd love for you to join us!

We spent last weekend in Chicago.  It was cold but not too cold. I don't think I really ever warmed up from last Winter so we were good to go.  We had a great time.  Nate and I are really easy to entertain in the city.  We spend our time walking and eating.  We're party animals.  Party animals that stink at taking photos.  Blogger, fail.  Weekend enjoyer, win!  (Check out our Chicago Favorites post for better photos and info!)

We arrived around 9 on Friday night.  It stunk that we had to arrive late but it was also nice not having to deal with traffic. We stayed at the Central Loop Hotel.  It's a favorite of ours. It's nothing fancy but it's inexpensive, clean and quiet. We don't spend much time in our room so we don't need gold toilets and designer linens.

We woke up early on Saturday morning and headed to Yolk.  (One of our favorites!). Imagine delicious cinnamon roll French toast! Mmmm.

We spent a little time at the Cloud Gate.  AKA "the bean".  I'm really a simple human being because this thing just intrigues me.  Like why are we all mesmerized by this mirrored bean?  Silly humans.

It took us 100 times to get the bean "selfie" on the left.  Nate needs to up his selfie game.  Then we talked to strangers and they took this shot. Talking to strangers is scary business.  (Yes, they are sweet looking college girls but SCARY!)

We mainly spend our Chicago visits wandering around and taking nerdy tourists shots.  Oh wait, that's just me.  Nate's too hip to have his photo taken with a lion.  Not me.

We finally ventured away from downtown this trip.  We spent the afternoon in Wicker Park.  And took approximately 1 photo.  We browsed some unique shops.  Strolled through adorable neighborhoods. I tried to convince Nate to move there.  As I do on any good getaway.  We got cupcakes and chai at Alliance Bakery.  Lovely afternoon.

We did a quick walk of the Magnificent Mile.  I'm not sure why we do this to ourselves.  It's always insanely busy.  (We both hate crowds.)  But yet we always go back.  After a panic attack in Crate and Barrel, we decided to take State street back to the hotel.  I spied this Crate and Barrel mirror as we turned the corner. I think I need to make it.  Nate had to peel me away promising me he would help me. 


We had a lovely evening of pizza and wandering.  Followed by a delicious Glazed and Infused breakfast.


Until next year, Chicago.

Big weekend plans?  We plan to start holiday decorating.  Oh, and I should probably work on that Dare to DIY project!  Have a good one!