White Coat, Cute Dog, Green Shorts

I’d like to tell you that my obsession with Instagram is over.  That, however, would be a lie.  I definitely took more pictures in the past week because of the app.  Now I am going to bore you all with them.  It’s like me showing you my vacation photos but much worse.

Let’s start back at last Friday at 5:00PM.  I said good-bye to my favorite employee…the automated filling machine.


And my work attire.  Hey, look! A giraffe in a white coat.


That night I bought fresh flowers from Target.  Nate buys beer. I buy flowers.  We are equally happy.


On Saturday, Ike and I cleaned the house and lounged around while Nate was at work.  Ike’s a much cuter lounger than I am.



In the afternoon we headed to Le Claire with Nate’s family.  We revisited Antique Archeology.


We also toured a local distillery where we learned how vodka is made.


Saturday night we went bowling.  Here we are after I beat Nate in Round #1.  I don’t remember who won Round #2….


I’m getting tired now and this post is long so I’ll end with Inspector Ike.  He alerts Nate when any new items enter our home.  I need to train him better.


Do you prefer flowers or beer?  Or both.  Whatever.  What does one wear with green shorts?  Bowled lately?  Who wants to give my dog a bath?