Dreaming About the ‘Splash
/That doesn’t stop me from dreaming up crazy projects instead of finishing the ones I can tackle on my own.
My latest obsession is our kitchen backsplash. Watch yourself bare kitchen walls.
As a refresher (we have some new

I love my kitchen. Seriously. Love it. But I think a good backsplash would really finish the room off. There is always a “but” with me. It’s a flaw. I’m working on it. Not really.
My newest obsession is white subway tile with dark grout…
I have a dilemma though. Where do I end the backsplash around the hood? I just can’t figure it out. Nate won’t even humor me right now so I’m going to get opinions from strangers instead. (I love blogging. Seriously. Love it.)

I also love surveys so here you go….
(I should preface the following survey with: We aren't changing anything else in the kitchen so don't go giving me crazy ideas like taller cabinets, etc. I come up with enough crazy things on my own. But I do value all backsplash related opinions.)
Carry to share why you chose your answer? Who’s digging the dark grout with white subway tile? Or are you a fan of the classic white grout?
P.S. I have been horrible at commenting this week. I haven't forgotten about you all. A virus has taken over my body. I'll be back to my internet stalking ways soon!