Modern Farmhouse Bathroom Vanity Tutorial

Modern Farmhouse Bathroom Vanity Tutorial

If tutorials bore you like they bore me, there are goofy photos at the end.  You know.  Things I shouldn't post on the internet.

Whoa.  How is it Thursday and how is it June?  Crazy.  I have all of these post ideas in my head but I never seem to get around to blogging lately.  I'd get all "OMG so busy blogger" on you but the truth is Nate, Ike and I are trying to slow down a bit.  (Ok, Ike isn't.  Ike is always crazy.)  We're loving every second of Summer.  Minus the gnats.  Do you have those man-eating swarming gnats in your area?  They just arrived here a few years ago and I want them to return to their homeland.

Anywho, today's post.  (This is why I don't write posts while drinking iced coffee.)  

Last week I shared my little brother's bathroom reveal.  We mentioned there would be a tutorial for the modern farmhouse bathroom vanity that Nate built.  We don't break promises (all of the time). 

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How to Paint Over Stripes with Different Finishes

How to Paint Over Stripes with Different Finishes

Not only did we help my little brother make over his bathroom but we also helped him paint his dining room.  Well, I sort of helped.  I took my project manager role seriously and I snuck out for a 2 hour lunch one day while he did one of the coats. 

We originally thought painting the dining room would be a piece of cake.  Turns out we were totally wrong.  This room ended up seeming like more work than the bathroom. The walls had this awesome stripes with different finishes thing going on.  

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Small Bath Remodel Part Dos

Small Bath Remodel Part Dos

Happy Friday!  On Wednesday I shared with you the start of my little brother's master bath remodel.  And then I was a jerk and left you hanging for the reveal.  I hope you slept okay.  I know the anticipation was a lot but here's the reveal!


It was pretty fun to watch our plans come to life.  There was still some touch up to do and some plumbing to finish when we left.  But it sure did look pretty.  That's all that matters when it's not your house, right?  (Don't worry.  My dad was there to help finish the rest.)

Let's take a look at the details.

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DIY Card Catalog Cabinet Tutorial

DIY Card Catalog Cabinet Tutorial

Last week we shared with you our newest furniture love.  Today you can learn how to build your own card catalog cabinet.

I came up with the idea and REALLY wanted to build it myself.  Turns out it isn't a great beginner build.  It's more in the intermediate realm.  I did get to saw some stuff, drill some things and say "I told you so" a couple of times.  I consider that a good first attempt at furniture building.  

Luckily my "told you so's" were few and far between.  Nate made my crazy idea come to life.  He actually made it turn out better than in my head which is pretty awesome.  

Here's how to make your own card catalog cabinet.

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Little Brother's Master Bath

Little Brother's Master Bath

Did you survive the weekend?  We had a fabulous two days filled with projects, thrifting, bathroom planning, and a Frozen birthday party!  Action packed.  (Check out my Instagram feed for photos!)  Ike is still recovering.

Part of our weekend adventures included helping my brother pick out items for his master bathroom.  Now that sentence makes it seem like that was an easy process.  It was not.  Decisions are so very hard.  I truly didn't know that you could go to three home improvement stores, stare at toilets and still have trouble making a decision.  IT'S A TOILET.

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DIY Card Catalog Cabinet Reveal

DIY Card Catalog Cabinet Reveal

I have wanted a card catalog for the longest time.  I have drooled over them online.  I would pet them in antique stores.  I could not, however, find one that would fit well in our home or wasn't one trillion dollars.  My other concern was that card catalogs are pretty but they aren't exactly useful.

I then had a crazy idea during tax season. I asked Nate if he thought it was possible to build a cabinet that had a card catalog looking front for our office. I had previously seen an awesome faux Murphy bed so I knew the card catalog front should be doable.  The thing was that I needed it to look like an antique piece. It needed to look like it had real drawers and not just wood slapped onto a board.  I wanted it tall and narrow.  I was being uber picky and making a lot of requests of my zombie accountant husband.  Surprisingly he said "Uhhh, sure."  I had to wait impatiently for the end of tax season for my creation came to life.  Ike loves it.

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Mediterranean Pork and Orzo

Mediterranean Pork and Orzo

I'm doing this weird thing lately where I eat vegetables.  I am a super picky eater and vegetables have never made the cut.  In an effort to be a real life grown-up, I decided to suck it up and eat the vegetables.  

I have been trying all kinds of vegetables.  Once I got over the fact that they don't taste like chocolate, things got better.   Brussel sprouts and kale are the worst things I've ever eaten in my entire life.  I have tried both a couple of times and cooked different ways.  They will not make the final cut.  Sick.

Spinach and tomatoes, however, have made it.  I am working on incorporating both of them into more of the meals that we eat.  One of favorites in the vegetable rotation is this pork and orzo recipe.

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The Best Thrifting Day Ever

The Best Thrifting Day Ever

We had a garage sale on Saturday.  It was a huge success.   We opened early because there were people in multiple cars in our driveway.  We were then swarmed by a massive group of people.  Like seriously 20-30 running through our garage grabbing things.  It was like the day after Thanksgiving at Walmart.  I hated to tell them that we truly didn't have anything but junk.  Just like Walmart.

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Maui Part Dos

Maui Part Dos

Happy Monday!  Hope the weekend was a good one.  We had an fantastic garage sale followed by some even better thrifting and then furniture building.  Excellent weekend!

An excellent weekend certainly does help adjusting back to non-vacation life a little easier.  Let's finish up our Maui photos so my mom doesn't yell at me for not sharing them.  I aim to please.  Or something.

We arrived in Maui on Wednesday afternoon.  By the time we got to our condo it was around 5:30 PM.  Also known as 10:30PM Iowa time.  We ate supper in the condo and both went to bed at 7:00PM.  We woke up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at 3:00 AM ready to head to the Haleakala Crater.  We debated doing sunrise at the crater. I read that it was cold and windy and obviously an early start to the day.  We were looking to get away from cold and windy after the longest winter ever.  It was also supposed to be the most amazing sunrise of people's lives.  We decided to suck it up and do it.  

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