October Meal Plan + Meal Planning Tips

October Meal Plan + Meal Planning Tips

Who has their October meal plan ready to go? Don’t worry, I got you boo! (I’m all in on Halloween starting tomorrow, can you tell?)

I’m a freak that loves meal planning. I feel like I’ve got it down to a science. Here are my tips (or you can copy my meal plans, it’s cool):

  • Step 1. Don’t overthink this.

  • Step 2. Don’t overthink this.

  • I meal plan monthly. I spend about 30 minutes once a month. I used to do weekly but I would often fail to make the time to do it. It was also taking me about 20-30 minutes to do it weekly (yes, about the same as monthly) because I’d get sucked into the Pinterest rabbit hole of meal planning. Don’t do that.

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Fall Home Decor Finds

I’ve been hesitant to put out any Fall decor because it’s still Summer here in Iowa. Curling up in a pumpkin colored Sherpa throw sounds like a form of torture even for this always cold young lady. (Hey, it’s my blog. I can throw around adjectives like “young” all I want.)

Iowa weather is finicky. Cold weather will be here sooner than I like. Until then I’ll be in my backyard pool (kiddie version) sipping pumpkin spice margaritas. (Is that a thing? Should it be a thing?)

I have been stalking Target’s home decor section. I’m currently 25 days into a shopping ban. Once that calendar flips our house will reek of pumpkin spice and be covered in goldenrod!

Are you a seasonal decorator? Are you a team Fall decorating, Halloween or both?