Old Wives' Tales and Gender Prediction

Old Wives' Tales and Gender Prediction

So I'm a total sucker for Old Wives' tales and other superstitious things.  You better believe I'm all over the gender prediction tales for this pregnancy.  I initially needed to know RIGHT NOW what we are having.  And then I became all cool with not knowing and even questioned finding out!  We've weighed the pros and cons and we've decided we are going to find out.  I'll share the results on Monday if baby cooperates.  In the mean time, let's rely on the super reliable Old Wives' tales. 

This stuff fascinates me. I mean, where does some of this stuff come from?  I am leaving out some of the more popular ones that include urinating on Draino or keeping pee soaked cabbage in your fridge over night.  Because gross.  And dangerous.

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