West Elm Inspired Bedframe
/The following is an actual conversation from a Thursday night.
Michelle: "Wanna build a bedframe this week-end?"
Nate: “Grumble. Grumble.”
Michelle: “Ike, Nate is being a Grouch-a-saurus-rex again today. Guess we’ll have to continue to live with our ugly bed skirt.”
The next day I come home to SketchUp drawings of a bedframe on the computer. I started jumping up and down. Nate pretended to grumble while I knew deep down he was pumped for another furniture build. We headed to Lowe’s where we spent ~$50. One week-end later we had a simple and beautiful bedframe.

We think it pairs well with our DIY Window headboard.

It’s crazy how $50 worth of wood can class a place right up.

I’m linking this baby on up to the ol’ Pinterest challenge tomorrow. This beauty of a bedframe was inspired by a West Elm bedframe that no longer exists. Luckily, my pin lives forever.

We’ll be back on Wednesday with the how-to. We’ve slept on it for over a week and haven’t fallen through so we feel safe sharing how we built it. Nate even got all fancy with SketchUP. Deep down he likes being married to a blogger.
Are you a fellow bed skirt hater? Whose spouse secretly likes being married to a blogger?