Summer Sunday Mornings
/Sunday mornings usually start with Ike and I waking up and heading downstairs while Nate sleeps later. We grab the Sunday paper and plop in on the kitchen table. And yes, it’s almost 10:00. Life is good. I usually don’t sleep this late but we had a busy Saturday and not much planned for Sunday.

Hydrangeas from the yard always put a smile on my face. Especially in the morning.

Sometimes we run. Sometimes we don’t. Yesterday wasn’t a run day so we hit up Pinterest for a breakfast idea. Yesterday morning’s selection was Glazed Donut Muffins.

Good choice. Good choice.
While I was mixing up the muffins, Ike and Nate catch up on some tv. I know some bloggers are into showing their homes “as is” and it looks like a hurricane has hit. This is our “as is”. We are both pretty OCD. Nate’s in denial about his condition but it’s true. We like a tidy home. Minus a stray dog bone and some smushed couch cushions/pillows.

Ike gets bored with the television and decides to keep a close eye on his fox.

I set the table as the muffins finish up baking. Only the fanciest table setting at our house.

The muffins come out of the oven and get a good triple glazing. We don’t mess around on Sunday mornings.

We read the paper. The Food Network is on in the background. Ike keeps a close eye on us.

After breakfast, we clean the kitchen and get on with the rest of our day. Yesterday’s “rest of the day” included some cleaning and yard work and a whole lot of wasting time on the interweb. It was a scorcher out!
Man. Can every morning be Sunday morning?
What do your Sunday mornings look like? Any great breakfast recipes for us to try? I’m running out of new stuff! I like easy. Nothing with vegetables.