Ike Loves Christmas

Does your dog have a favorite holiday?
Christmas is at the top of Ike’s list.

What makes Ike so happy at Christmas?  Is it the presents?


Nope.  Guess not.

What about the tasty treats?


Maybe…but he’s not supposed to have people food.

How about the Christmas lights?  Everyone loves Christmas lights?

Night Xmas 096pn 

Night Xmas 108pn

Guess not!  (No worries! We quickly unplugged the lights when he decided he was done being our model.)

So what is Ike’s favorite thing about Christmas?  Spending lots of time with Nate and I, our families (and his dog cousins), and our friends.  What a sweet boy!


Happy holidays from Décor and the Dog!  We hope you enjoy it all…the presents, the treats, the lights…and most importantly, the time with your loved ones!  Merry Christmas!