Ike Gets a Sister or a Brother?
/Ike has big news to share today! He's going to tell you whether he's getting a sister or a brother!
Okay, I think he was more excited about new bandanas and cheese bribery than the thought of a sibling. We'll go with it though.
Turns out the Chinese were right and they Mayans were wrong, Ike is pleased to announce he's getting a baby brother in September!
We have a healthy 21 week, 15 oz baby boy cooking away! And he's quite cute if I do say so myself.
Our ultrasound tech asked if he we were finding out gender. We said we were and she said "Oh, looks like we're team blue." Nate and I were both confused. We were both thinking it was a boy but how did she know? Turns out we both wore blue. Totally unplanned.
Let the nursery planning and sibling rivalry begin!