Ike’s Couch

Earlier this week I showed you the progress that I am making in the office. I was hoping to have the entire room done but it’s not going so well.

I purchased some new curtains.  I wanted plain curtains because patterned curtains make me nervous.  It’s a Michelle thing. 

I purchased a new houndstooth rug.  (You can find it here.  I got it 50% off.)  I’m digging it.  Ike likes to roll on it.  Life is good.


But as you can see, the room is looking “bleh”. I need new art behind the couch.  I am leaning towards floating shelves with photos or a large map. 

I’m not sure if the lamp I picked up at Target is staying or not.

We also need a new couch.  This couch was free from one of my pharmacy school roommates.  It is even prettier without a slip cover.


I have two issues with buying a couch right now.  First issue…I am so stinking close to paying off my student loans.  So stinking close.  Right now I’d rather have the satisfaction being student loan free than having a new couch.

The second issue is Ike. This is Ike’s couch.  He loves this couch.  We have no clue why.  It’s fairly comfortable but the dog is in love with this couch. He’s always sneaking in here to take a nap.


Do you see that death stare that I am getting?  He doesn’t mess around.

“Hey Ike, do you think we should get a new couch?”


I told you.  He doesn’t mess around.

But unfortunately he’s the dog and the dog only gets the say on important things like bandanas and mudrooms. Poor neglected puppy.

Now is when I ask for your help.  What would you do with this space?  (I should clarify, what would you do with this space AFTER my loans are paid off.)

Here’s another angle looking back at the desk area to help you out.


Share your thoughts!  How often do people really ask for your honest opinion?  (Honest, not brutally honest.  I’m a sensitive creature.)  Any good couch recommendations? What color of couch would you go with?  Are you over maps or still digging them? How about floating shelves?  And wood floors?  (I’m still hoping to convince Nate on that one.)  Happy Leap Day!