Glittery Gold Whispy Ornament Wreath
/A blogger having the same wreath each season is like a celebrity wearing the same dress to two different movie premieres. Shameful.
I usually use a berry wreath for our holiday decorating. The berries usually shed all over the floor and it just didn’t seem to go with my glittery gold motif I have going on this year. So I took matters into my own hands and created my 20 minute Glittery Gold Whispy Ornament Wreath. Patent pending on the name.

is super easy.
Head to Hobby Lobby. Find whispy wreath for $14.99. Find gold spray paint for $3. Find gold Glitter Blast spray paint for $7.99. Holy rip off but my mind was set on glitter. Logic goes on the window when your mind is on glitter. Luckily I had a coupon. This will probably take you 5 minutes if you are an expert Hobby Lobby shopper like myself. Wait in line for at least 8 minutes…because it’s Hobby Lobby.
Once you are home, scrounge around for some ornaments that you aren’t using. My were pink and purple left over from my college days. I’m sad I didn’t photograph them.

Spray the wreath and ornaments with the gold spray paint. 1 minute.
Let dry. 1 minute. (Because you are impatient and want to spray everything with glittery spray paint.)
Repeat on opposite side of wreath and ornaments. 1 minute.
Let dry. 2 minutes. (Because you are impatient and want to spray everything with glittery spray paint.)
Spray the wreath and ornaments with the Glitter Blast spray paint. 1 minute. Let dry. Words of wisdom: When they say “blast”, they mean blast. Be prepared. It was pretty awesome actually. Glitter explosion.
Attach ornaments to wreath using ornament hooks. Just wrap the hook around.

Give the wreath one more good round of glitter blast. 1 minute.
Hang and enjoy your beautiful Glittery Gold Whispy Ornament Wreath.

What’s your holiday wreath look like? Or are you anti-wreath? I was kind of impartial to wreaths before this gold beauty came into my life.