DIY Network (Website) Stars
/Do you all remember the cottage headboard that we built for my parents a couple of months ago? (If not, you can read about it here!)

The DIY Network contacted us back in August wanting to know if we were interested in building a headboard to be featured on their website. We didn’t have a need for another headboard. My parents, however, did…so we took them up on their offer!
The experience was a fun one! It was fun to work with my parents on transforming their room. Nate enjoys building and designing furniture. (He just doesn’t like when I mention it. Oops.) Putting the tutorial together was pretty easy. The only hard part was not telling you all for a few months while we waited for the contract to go through. I’m not good with secrets but I didn’t want to jinx anything. Superstitious much?
Be sure to head over and check out the tutorial! Let us know what you think! My mom is pretty excited that her headboard is now famous. I’m with her on this one!