Chicago Recap and Upcoming Stuff

Chicago Recap and Upcoming Stuff

Stuff is always a good word to use in a title, right?

First, don't forget!!!!!  Dare to DIY on Monday!  It's time to Dare to Be Thankful!  Link up at Shift Ctrl Art on Monday!  Check out great ideas from the past here!  I can't wait to see what you all come up with! I have a plan but no sneak peak because I work better under pressure.  (AKA, I have not started because I'm a horrible procrastinator! So no excuses that you don't have time!) If you're a new blogger, this is a great way to meet other bloggers and grown your blog audience!  We'd love for you to join us!

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Dare to DIY 2014

Dare to DIY 2014

It's that time of year again!  The most wonderful DIY fun is about to be had.

It's Dare to DIY time!!!!

What is the Dare to DIY Challenge? 

This challenge is the brainchild of NewlyWoodwards.  It is a challenge to motivate us to DIY projects through Thanksgiving and Christmas - and to do it together.  Kim was kind enough to let Katja, Rachel and I join in on the hosting fun! Blog parties are rare these days in blogland.  We want to bring back some of that old school blog fun! 

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Smells Like the Holidays

Smells Like the Holidays

I have been trying to hold off on the whole holiday thing this year but it's extremely hard.  The world is like "YOU WILL BE MERRY RIGHT NOW!  FORGET THANKSGIVING! DECK THOSE HALLS! TRIM THAT TREE!"

I fought the good fight until a package filled with Frasier Fir products from Thymes appeared on my doorstep.

Did you know that it is your sense of smell that evokes the strongest memories?  I opened my box from Thymes and instantly wanted to string some lights and watch Elf.  Right then.  Who needs turkey and stuffing?

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Vintage Trunk Turned Coffee Table

Vintage Trunk Turned Coffee Table

Ike is so excited to share with you our new office coffee table.  Well, it's actually a vintage trunk that we made into a coffee table. 

Either way, he's seriously pumped.  Can you tell?

We purchased this trunk for $10 at the What Cheer Flea Market in October.  Seriously.  $10. 

Nate and I were checking it out.  We both decided that we liked it but we just weren't sure where we would put it.  As we were walking away, the vendor yelled "It's yours for $10."  And we both were like "Eh.  But where were will we put it? Our garage doesn't need any more junk."  About two minutes later, we both decided we should go back and get it.  I mean $10!  You can't pass that up.

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Save the Date- The Home Depot Do-It-Herself Workshop

Save the Date- The Home Depot Do-It-Herself Workshop


Disclosure- This post was made possible through a partnership with The Home Depot.  All opinions and excited rants are my own!

Who: You! Your lady friends!  Your lady relatives!

What: Create a Holiday Marquee at The Home Depot Do-It-Herself (DIH) Workshop

When: Thursday, November 20, 2014 6:30-8:00 PM

Where: The Home Depot 10850 Plum Drive Urbandale, Iowa

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Laundry Room Makeover Reveal

Laundry Room Makeover Reveal

Do you all remember when I agreed to participate in a 6 week room makeover challenge with some of my favorite blog buddies?  (If not, you can read more here.)

I basically waited until yesterday to start.  I mean, I did make a pretty awesome vintage clothespin mirror but other than that.  Nothing.  The place was a pigsty.

Participating in this challenge was totally worth it even just to motivate me to clean out this room yesterday.  I'm kind of loving how it turned out.  Basically because it's clean.  It also feels more like current Michelle.  Not Michelle circa 2009. Although 2009 Michelle's hobby was cleaning so there's that.  I should channel my past lame self.

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How to Make a Gnome

How to Make a Gnome

Happy Halloween!  It's okay to talk about Christmas now, right?

Okay, so it's like super early.  I get it.  But my brain can't stop thinking about how I'm going to decorate for the holidays this year.  I have lots of projects in mind and I'm trying to start early so I can actually finish them.  So, if I'm thinking about holiday decorations.  Maybe you are too?  If not, just humor me.

I went shopping with my mother-in-law, sister-in-law and darling niece last weekend.  We stopped at the HomeGoods in Naperville.  I saw this little gnome there that I loved but wasn't quite in my price range. (I swore I took a photo of it but it must have only been a mental photo or my phone ate it.)  I thought, just maybe, that I could make him myself or find a tutorial on-line.  FYI, there are no good gnome tutorials on-line.  Until today.

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