Then and Now- Living Room

Then and Now- Living Room

Happy Monday!  Hope your weekend was stellar.  We enjoyed a casino night, dinner with friends and some good ol' garage cleaning.  Action packed weekend right there.  We're currently counting down the days until the end of tax season and the beginning of vacation. (9 days!)

Today I'm going to start a series called Then and Now. I need to update our house tour page and these posts will help. It's kind of fun to see how our house has progressed and how our style has evolved.  

Let's start way back in 2008.  Oh, 2008.  The year I graduated pharmacy school.  The year we started building a house when I hadn't even passed my pharmacy boards.  2008 when Ike was only a year old and I had blond hair.

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Paisley Print Boutique Giveaway

Paisley Print Boutique Giveaway

After many years of blogging, I often get requests for people wanting me to promote their product with my words.  Which still amazes me.  You never know what is going to come from this brain of mine.  Also, I was a Biology major.  I don't even remember the last time I took any sort of English class. Grammar what?

After many years of blogging, you also acquire an awesome arsenal of blog buddies.  When your blog buddies quit their day jobs to pursue their dreams of owning their own biz, you totally use your words to tell the world.  That's what I'm doing today.  

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New Mohawk Rug + A Giveaway

New Mohawk Rug + A Giveaway

Hello. My name is Michelle and I'm a rugaholic.  Or I'm indecisive.  Or I'm just trying to find my style.

We last left off with a blue Ikat rug in our living room. After some recent changes in the house, the rug didn't flow as well with the rest of the first floor.  The rug was pretty but it didn't seem like us.  You know how you see a pretty dress but it would totally never fit your body.  That was our old rug.  Pretty but not a super fit.  It was also one of those rugs that shed a lot.  It was time for a change.  Because I have a problem. 

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Painted Office Built-ins

Painted Office Built-ins

Happy Monday!  Hope you all had a fabulous weekend. I've been eating my way through Austin, TX and it has been quite fabulous. I've also enjoyed not wearing a winter coat!  I'm excited to explore more of Texas in the week to come.  I do miss the furry faced dudes in my life but there is more to see and eat before I return!

Before I left, I did a little work on the ol' never ending office.  We last left with the office looking like this.

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